Hello, I'm Utshab Kumar Ghosh

and this is My Showcase

Featured Portfolio

  • All
  • Machine Learning
  • Full Stack Web
  • Problem Solve & Others

Research & Publications

December 2021 - October 2022

Accurate Gait Recognition with Inertial Sensors using a New FCN-BiLSTM Architecture

Status: Available Online Authors:Nahian Rifaat, Utshab Kumar Ghosh, Abu Sayeed Journal: Computers and Electrical Engineering (Q1) Field: Biometrics
March 2021 - December 2021

Most Dominant Metabolomic Biomarkers Identification for Lung Cancer

Status: Available Online Authors:Utshab Kumar Ghosh, Fuad Al Abir, Nahian Rifaat, S.M. Shovan, Abu Sayeed, Md. Al Mehedi Hasan Journal: Informatics in Medicine Unlocked (Q2) Field: Bioinformatics
July 2022 - Present

Bone Marrow Classification

Field: Computer Vision, Biomedical
October 2020 - March 2022

Human Gait Analysis

Can't share more details due to policy of the company.

March 2022 - September 2022

Golf Video & Image Analysis

Can't share more details due to policy of the company.


Machine Learning & Data Science Competitions

Challenge Name Repository Domain Position & Leaderboard
6 Kaggle TensorFlow - Help Protect the Great Barrier Reef Team Solution Object Detection (Video Dataset) Top 49% (1019th out of 2109)
5 Kaggle PetFinder.my - Pawpularity Contest Solo Solution Regression (Image Dataset) Top 13% (443th out of 3545)
4 Datahack Traffic Forecasting Available after June 5, 2022 Time Series Forecasting Running (See Live)
3 Bioinformatics Contest 2021 Solo Solution Problem Solving Qualification Round Overcame
2 HackerEarth ML Challenge: Fast, Furious and Insured Solo Solution Classification (Image Dataset) & Regression (Tabular Dataset) 86th out of 2796
1 HackerEarth ML Challenge: A Fine Windy Day Solo Solution Regression 54th out of 2034

My Resume

Work Experience

December 2022 - Present

Machine Learning Engineer

Working at Machine Learning and Full Stack Development Team.

Nascenia Ltd.
March 2019 - May 2023


A software based company of Web & App Dev.

Code Studio
February 2023 - Present


Machine Learning & Data Science.

October 2020 - September 2022

AI Research Assistant

MyMedicalHUB is connecting Wellness, Health and Worker's Compensation Industries through our proprietary musculoskeletal care and case management solution.

December 2017 - January 2019

Smart book Writer

I wrote digital books on Mathematics.

10 Minute School


January 2017 - October 2022

B.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering

Graduated. Result: G.P.A. 3.22 (Based on 4.0)

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology
April 2014 - April 2016

Higher Secondary School Certificate

Result: G.P.A. 5 (Based on 5)

Saint Joseph Higher Secondary School
January 2009 - March 2014

Secondary School Certificate

Result: G.P.A. 5.0 (Based on 5.0)

Ideal School & College

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About Me

Working with Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, LLM, Computer Vision, etc. along with Full Stack Development knowledge.

Mentor of Machine Learning and Data Science.

Learn from Me?

Ask me anything about Data Science/Machine Learning/Programming/Web Dev/Tech. I’m focusing to collaborate on Data Science, Machine Learning Projects, Researches and Competitions. My hobby is doing some Music.

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Skillset & Technologies

Github Contribution Map

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Deep Learning Specialization

Power of data has always been fascinating to me.This was a much worthy kick start for Deep Learning. Surely recommended for those who want to work with Artificial Intelligence as well as Machine Learning.

Applied Data Science Specialization

Thanks, IBM and Coursera to have an end-to-end data science project experience with real world data of Space X.

Good start for beginners.

Data Scientist Career Track with Python

A very good kickstart for learning, visualizing and practicing every ins and outs of Data Science with Python.
Recommended for everyone in this field!

Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis

Thanks to Pranav Rajpurkar and Andrew Ng Sir as well as deeplearning.ai.
This course covers Disease Detection from Chest X-ray, Brain MRI Segmentation with 2D and 3D U-Net and many more!

For more: My Certificates Gallery


“During Utshab’s tenure as a smartbook writer of 10 Minute School, he was frequently assigned responsibilities as writing books, checking smartbooks in our smartbook team. He was a quick learner and there were numerous occasions where he proved his skill at both independent and collaborative work. His proactive and self-motivated nature made him a valuable asset to our team.

In closing, I’d like to reiterate my strong support for Utshab’s Testimonial section for the Portfolio website. He is a well-spoken and intellectual individual.“

“I met Utshab Kumar Ghosh in university, he was in the same department as me. As far as I observed, Utshab is a polite yet cheerful guy with a passion in music and computer science. Evidently, he is hard working as well, keeping his basics of programming strong with competitive programming while working on Machine Learning, Django, PyGame etc. as well.

He is also co-founder of Code Studio, a software company startup, also proving Utshab's capabilities in leadership and development skills. I believe his skillset overall can be an asset to any company making the best use of him.“

Software Engineer, Google

“I have known Utshab for about 6+ years now. In those years, I've seen him not only excel at the core elements of his field of data science and machine learning, but also skills and tasks that extend well beyond the scope of his role. Utshab has grown quickly, which is something to be desired in any professional.

I have experienced his responsible nature first hand. His mastery for both his core role, and the tasks that extend beyond it, can be critical to any team's success. I have only optimistic predictions for his career trajectory.“

Co-Founder, Qubitech Solutions

“For the journey of 6+ years of togetherness, I could know much about Utshab. He is a hard-working person and enthusiastic to learn any new thing. He keeps profound knowledge about Machine Learning & Data Science. And also he spreads out his knowledge among his friends.

For his leadership excellence, he works at Code Studio with me. He is a good mentor and a creative person. Above all, he is a good and helpful friend.“

Founder CEO, Code Studio

Get In Touch

My Contact Details

  • Email kumarutshab@gmail.com
  • Phone +880 1701 067875 | +880 1623 642710
  • Address 57 Sabujbagh, Basabo TSO,
    Dhaka-1214, Bangladesh