Can't share more details due to policy of the company.
MyMedicalHubCan't share more details due to policy of the company.
MyMedicalHubChallenge Name | Repository | Domain | Position & Leaderboard | |
6 | Kaggle TensorFlow - Help Protect the Great Barrier Reef | Team Solution | Object Detection (Video Dataset) | Top 49% (1019th out of 2109) |
5 | Kaggle - Pawpularity Contest | Solo Solution | Regression (Image Dataset) | Top 13% (443th out of 3545) |
4 | Datahack Traffic Forecasting | Available after June 5, 2022 | Time Series Forecasting | Running (See Live) |
3 | Bioinformatics Contest 2021 | Solo Solution | Problem Solving | Qualification Round Overcame |
2 | HackerEarth ML Challenge: Fast, Furious and Insured | Solo Solution | Classification (Image Dataset) & Regression (Tabular Dataset) | 86th out of 2796 |
1 | HackerEarth ML Challenge: A Fine Windy Day | Solo Solution | Regression | 54th out of 2034 |
Working at Machine Learning and Full Stack Development Team.
Nascenia Ltd.MyMedicalHUB is connecting Wellness, Health and Worker's Compensation Industries through our proprietary musculoskeletal care and case management solution.
MyMedicalHubI wrote digital books on Mathematics.
10 Minute SchoolGraduated. Result: G.P.A. 3.22 (Based on 4.0)
Rajshahi University of Engineering & TechnologyResult: G.P.A. 5 (Based on 5)
Saint Joseph Higher Secondary SchoolResult: G.P.A. 5.0 (Based on 5.0)
Ideal School & CollegeWorking with Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, LLM, Computer Vision, etc. along with Full Stack Development knowledge.
Mentor of Machine Learning and Data Science.
Learn from Me?Ask me anything about Data Science/Machine Learning/Programming/Web Dev/Tech. I’m focusing to collaborate on Data Science, Machine Learning Projects, Researches and Competitions. My hobby is doing some Music.
Applied Data Science Specialization
Thanks, IBM and Coursera to have an end-to-end data science project
experience with real world data of Space X.
Good start for beginners.
Data Scientist Career Track with Python
A very good kickstart for learning, visualizing and practicing every ins
and outs of Data Science with Python.
Recommended for everyone in this field!
Artificial Intelligence for Medical Diagnosis
Thanks to Pranav Rajpurkar and Andrew Ng Sir as well as
This course covers Disease Detection from Chest X-ray, Brain MRI Segmentation with 2D
and 3D U-Net and many more!